About Me

Hi, I’m Andrew, a husband, father of two, software engineer, musician.

Most of my life I’ve been a Christian, however as I get older there are things I struggle with as I realise more and more that life is not black and white and as I try to see and understand things from other people’s point of view. I believe we should treat eachother as we wish to be treated. I believe all human beings are pricelessly valuable, beautiful, flawed and vulnerable, all with huge potential and capable of both good and evil.

I have been a software engineer for quite a while, you can see my employment history on LinkedIn. I have worked in small companies with under 10 employees to a trading fund of the MOD with over 1300 employees and currently at an award winning Fintech Bank! I have worked on my own and in teams of up to 8. All the companies I have worked for have had good points and bad points and I have formed some strong opinions accordingly. I love C#, working in teams, mentoring others, architecture, dotNetCore, finding elegant solutions to problems, building distributed microservice based systems, tools such as Eventstore, ElasticSearch, Consul. I am very interested in DDD, clean architecture and Event Sourcing.

I love music. I love the creativity and collaboration. I love a funky groove where drummer and bassist are clearly having fun! I play 6 string bass fairly well, I dabble with guitars and keyboards and very occaisionally with drums/cajon etc. I love music technology, whether it’s live sound or recording. I wanted to pusue a career in music when I was younger, but I have spent enough hours in the studio with a terrible headache to realise that I would have spoiled an enjoyable hobby!

I also enjoy lifting wieghts to improve my fitness, shooting air rifles with my son, diy around the house and making things in my shed.

Contact me

Please contact me via Twitter or LinkedIn using the links in the menu.