a fork in the code

My name is Andrew Poole, this blog will be a collection of thoughts mostly about software; C#, working in teams, architecture, dotNetCore, building distributed microservice based systems etc...


CSharp SQL Tests

  • 11 min read

TL/DR You know you should be testing T-SQL code in stored procedures/views and if you’re underwhelmed by the T-Sql based frameworks available you might like to use a nice fluent C# framework and even use markdown table syntax to define data! If so, read on…

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Could private network Blockchain enable leaderless consensus in a distributed system? part 1

  • 8 min read

Ever since I first heard a presentation about Blockchain in a DLL (developer learning lunch) at work a while ago, I have been convinced that it has a huge number of potential uses. A list which can be recreated identically in a number of places, with an easy method of verification which can prove it has not been changed, is surely a very useful thing in software systems. I am interested in whether a private network Blockchain could be used as the source of truth for shared state in a distributed system, allowing consensus without needing a leader…

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Parallels between software and music

  • 8 min read

I was recently challenged during a one-to-one with my mentor at work to write a blog about the links/parallels between software development and music. My mentor has an interest in the promotion of STEM (science, technology, engineering, arts and maths) and STEAM (which adds arts in too). I thought this was an interesting idea so I’m having a go! The first thing that pops into my head when I think about software engineering OR when I think about music is creativity…

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Make your CV work for you!

  • 4 min read

Some things happened at work recently which made me wonder whether it was time to think about moving on. I always intended to go to the odd practice interview, but never managed it. So I thought I’d update my CV, change my LinkedIn status and see what happens. I tried out some new ideas with my CV and ended up accepting the offer of a near perfect job (for me) after about 25 working days…

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