Async method chaining in C#
Async Method Chaining in C#
Given, When and Then helper classes for testing
Given, When and Then helper classes for testing
CSharp SQL Tests
TL/DR You know you should be testing T-SQL code in stored procedures/views and if you’re underwhelmed by the T-Sql based frameworks available you might like to use a nice fluent C# framework and even use markdown table syntax to define data! If so, read on…
Testing Service Bus Handlers using Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus client library
TL/DR - At ClearBank we love testing and the new Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus
package makes testing Service Bus handlers easy at last! Check out how we did it.
Could private network Blockchain enable leaderless consensus in a distributed system? part 1
Ever since I first heard a presentation about Blockchain in a DLL (developer learning lunch) at work a while ago, I have been convinced that it has a huge number of potential uses. A list which can be recreated identically in a number of places, with an easy method of verification which can prove it has not been changed, is surely a very useful thing in software systems. I am interested in whether a private network Blockchain could be used as the source of truth for shared state in a distributed system, allowing consensus without needing a leader…
Parallels between software and music
I was recently challenged during a one-to-one with my mentor at work to write a blog about the links/parallels between software development and music. My mentor has an interest in the promotion of STEM (science, technology, engineering, arts and maths) and STEAM (which adds arts in too). I thought this was an interesting idea so I’m having a go! The first thing that pops into my head when I think about software engineering OR when I think about music is creativity…
Make your CV work for you!
Some things happened at work recently which made me wonder whether it was time to think about moving on. I always intended to go to the odd practice interview, but never managed it. So I thought I’d update my CV, change my LinkedIn status and see what happens. I tried out some new ideas with my CV and ended up accepting the offer of a near perfect job (for me) after about 25 working days…